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The Winchcombe School

Improving As One

Admissions Procedure

Reception to Year 6

Places from Reception through to Year 6 at The Winchcombe School are handled by West Berkshire Admissions Team (telephone the switchboard on 01635 551111).

Children enter school in the September following their fourth birthday i.e the academic year they become five. Therefore, if you would like your child to be admitted to this school during the year your child is five, you should complete the necessary application form by 15th January of the year of admission. Details of how to do this are on the West Berkshire Council Website. Please see the admissions guide as a PDF download at the bottom of this page.

Applications for places at any other time of the school year or for any other year group are also handled by West Berkshire Admissions team. They will be able to tell you if there are places available in the year group you are looking for. If there are, they will contact you with a start date and will also contact the school office, who will then  arrange with you for your child to be admitted. We will give you a set of Pupil information forms to fill in, and information about where to purchase uniform etc. We can also arrange for your child to come in for a visit prior to their start date.

Please email or phone the school office on 01635 232780 to book a session time. Numbers are limited and places allocated on a first come first served basis.

Foundation 1 / Nursery

We have our own admissions policy for Nursery children. We take children from the term after they become three. We run morning sessions from 08:35am until 11.45am, and afternoon sessions from 11.45am until 3pm. The morning sessions are more suited to the older children in the cohort. We can, dependent upon availability, offer a mixture of morning and afternoon sessions. We have introduced the 30 hours extended childcare offer for parents who are both working and qualify for this benefit. Please contact Mrs Curtis in the school office for more information.

If there is availability, and you have used your 15 hours entitlement with us already, we can offer extra sessions. These would be charged at £6 per hour (£18 per session). 

If you would like to register your interest in a place for your child in the Nursery, please read the policy download below and complete the Notification of Interest form (available as a Word document to download below). Please return this to the school office:

For those parents whose children are starting in Foundation 1 or 2, click here to find presentations at the bottom of this page.