Speech and Language Resource (SAL)
Speech, language and communication underpin everything we do: the ability to make our needs known, express our likes and dislikes, interact with others and build relationships is at the core of all our journeys through life.
Many of us take these skills for granted, but some children can struggle to develop them. They have speech, language and communication needs (SLCN).
Please see the downloadable leaflet at the bottom of this page, produced by us in conjunction with West Berkshire Council.
A child with speech, language and communication needs:
- might have speech that is difficult to understand
- may struggle to say words or sentences
- may not understand words that are being used, or the instructions they hear
- may have difficulties knowing how to talk and listen to others in a conversation
Children may have some or all of these difficulties – with each difficulty requiring a different, individualised approach.
There may be no obvious reason for such problems – for example, no specific disorder, hearing problem or physical disability to explain them. A child might be bright, but struggle to understand the language used in the classroom; or they may have lots of ideas, but find it hard to make sentences to say what they are thinking.
The phrase used to describe long-term difficulties with learning and using language is Developmental Language Disorder (DLD).
DLD looks different in all children and can be complicated to understand, because we don’t really know the cause. Studies have shown that in five-year olds, DLD affects about two children in every classroom in primary school (about 7.6%) and that it is more common in boys than girls.
For more information on DLD visit http://www.talkingpoint.org.uk/
Our Speech and Language Resource...
...at The Winchcombe School serves primary school-aged children in West Berkshire. We provide intensive, specialist–integrated support and therapy for those with speech and language difficulties to support them as they engage with the mainstream curriculum.
The Resource staff work in conjunction with mainstream teachers, parents and outside agencies - the children spending the morning in the Resource and their afternoons in the main school. If appropriate, some children join their mainstream class for Maths or English each morning.
All children who come to us must have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), which has diagnosed such difficulties. (If your child does not already have an EHCP in place, don’t worry – we can meet with you and advise you as to how to move forward.)
Following entry, children are assessed by the Teachers and Speech and Language Therapists. We build a tailored programme of learning opportunities to address the child’s specific needs, which we develop and share with pupils, parents and school staff – our ultimate aim being to prepare pupils to a return to their mainstream school, once the small group setting of the Resource is no longer considered necessary.
The Resource works as an integrated part of The Winchcombe School and strives to uphold the values and ethos of the whole school. We aim to support pupils in building successful relationships with their class teachers and peers within the main school.
Get in touch:
Mrs Sara Bennett (Teacher in Charge)
Email: office@winchcombe.w-berks.sch.uk
Tel: 01635 232780
Entry Criteria
The Speech and Language Resource caters for pupils who:
meet the Local Authority’s statutory assessment criteria for EHCPs with a Primary Need of Speech and Language difficulties
have a diagnosis of Developmental Language Disorder (DLD)
have a level of ability within the range expected in a mainstream school
demonstrate the ability to function within a mainstream educational setting with appropriate differentiation
require intensive, specialist Speech and Language provision to achieve the outcomes identified within their EHC Plan
Our Learning
There are two classes within the SAL Resource: Beech and Maple.
Our Teachers are Mrs Bennett, in Beech for Key Stage 1, and Mrs Leadbeater, in Maple for Key Stage 2.
Helping in the team are Mrs Doidge and Mrs Hughes and our onsite NHS Speech and Language specialists.
Please read our Curriculum map below to see what we are learning this term. Our latest newsletter is also here.
Home Learning and Homework
Take a look at our special section on Home Learning and Homework to find out how you can support your child at home.